Protecting the most vulnerable.
The recent revelations about abuse within the charity sector have been shocking for us all and revealed systemic failings in the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children. These failings are not specific to any one agency and have implications for everyone in the third sector, putting our actions and moral responsibility as development workers rightfully under scrutiny.
In a sector that works to improve the lives of poor and marginalised people, a scandal like this is unacceptable. And in an organisation like ADD International, which has such positive and caring values at its core, it is our priority and responsibility to ensure we do all we can to protect and safeguard the most marginalised in our society.
Our standards.
ADD expects high standards of conduct and professionalism from all our employees and volunteers. In turn our workers are entitled to expect to work in an atmosphere that promotes high standards and mutual respect. Both within and outside of work, staff are expected to behave in a manner which does not bring the organisation into disrepute.
ADD International has existing policies, governance and management processes relating to Global HR and Child Protection. All staff are required to comply with and follow these. If any safeguarding case should arise, then as a responsible organisation, we will ensure that it is investigated and followed up on appropriately, with recourse and referral to relevant authorities as needed.
Reviewing our practise.
ADD International has been through an in-depth review of our safeguarding practices, to ensure the best possible safeguards are in place, with fit-for-purpose systems that prevent, identify, and act on serious concerns that may arise.
As an organisation that works with many vulnerable adults and children, we are determined to ensure that those we work with are protected from exploitation and misconduct. We are committed to building a culture of openness and trust, that gives our beneficiaries, staff, and partners the assurance that ours is an organisation that upholds its safeguarding responsibilities, protecting and respecting informants and whistleblowers to the best of our ability, whilst acting on concerns appropriately, and taking management action accordingly.
Our policies.
To demonstrate our commitment to safeguarding we thoroughly reviewed our safeguarding policy in 2018. The new policy can be found below.
Contact us.
If you have any concerns related to safeguarding you can contact our lead focal person for safeguarding:
Fredrick Ouko, Co-Chief Executive Officer
- +254 720786218
- ADD International, The Old Church School, Butts Hill, Frome, BA11 1HR
We also have a specific email address you can use to contact us confidentially (and anonymously should you wish) about any safeguarding / whistleblowing issues:
A full list of staff contacts for raising a safeguarding concern can be found here.