Annual Reports

Annual Report and Accounts.

Thanks to you, we are supporting disability rights activists working to fight discrimination and ensure every disabled person gets a fighting chance at living their best life. Whether you send your donations every month, organise events to raise money or fund specific projects, you’re making a difference.

We are committed to being an open and transparent organisation and are a member of the International Aid Transparency Initiative.

Previous Annual Reports.

For a printed version of any of the documents, please contact us. 

International Aid Transparency Initiative.

The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) has been set up by a group of leading international development organisations, with the aim of making information about aid spending easier to access, use and understand. ADD International adheres to IATI’s principles and guidelines, and has developed an exclusion policy. 

our key documents

our strategy

Read our Strategic Framework and Theory of Change which guide and focus our work.

our research and reports

Read some of the latest research and reports on disability inclusion, both from our work and other leading experts.