800 million people are living in extreme poverty.
Disabled people are disproportionately represented among the poorest members of society. Disabled people face huge social and physical barriers which prevent them from earning a living. As well as being a great injustice, this represents a huge pool of unrealised human potential.
Empowering Activists.
We partner with organisations of disability rights activists to help disabled people access the tools, skills and resources they need to earn a living, such as micro-loans, skills training and business start-up money.
Denying disabled people work opportunities creates an inequitable world.
Justine’s Story.
When Justine faced discrimination in the workplace and lost her job during the Covid-19 pandemic, she was left without an income. Together with other disability rights activists in her community in Uganda, she set up her own business growing and selling vegetables.
Now, she is supporting other young disabled people to do the same, thanks to money raised through our 100% Homegrown appeal.

When I lost my job I was discouraged. I almost lost hope because I had children to provide for. I started growing some greens, peanuts and eggplants.
Farming has enabled me to provide for my children, for their school fees, and also for my own needs.
Justine, Disability Rights Activist in Uganda
Inclusion Works.
Together with 11 global partners, ADD International ran a programme in Uganda and Bangladesh to improve access to education and work for disabled people. The project had two main goals:
- Education: Ensuring accessible learning and education is available for all children.
- Work: Helping companies make practical changes to the way they train and hire people with disabilities, and to develop innovative ways to help people find a job.

We speak to employers to make sure they have a positive attitude to disability. Sometimes they won’t see the capability or knowledge someone has. They think disabled people are difficult and expensive to have as employees. So, they are not given equal opportunity to compete at the interview
Dick, Disability Rights Activist in Uganda.
Documenting the barriers to employment.
The barriers faced by persons with disabilities seeking employment are well-documented. Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) are uniquely placed to help persons with disabilities build employment skills and confidence while also supporting policymakers and employers to create opportunities in inclusive working environments.
ADD International’s experience in Uganda and Bangladesh is showing how meaningful engagement with OPDs can make a real difference when it comes to making jobs and work more inclusive of persons with disabilities – and that OPDs can play this role most effectively when they have the right support and investment.
our research

bridging the gap
Organisations of Persons with Disabilities’ role in making work more inclusive of persons with disabilities.

leave no one behind
This study, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, looked at how market-based approaches can work for disabled women in Uganda.

all research
See an overview of our research reports in the right to work and in other areas of disability rights.