ADD International reward policy & salary scales
In 2022/23 we worked with consultants from Project Fair (Project Fair: Fairness in INGO Reward | Project Fair ( to review and develop a new global reward policy and global salary scales. The aim of this was to create both policy and scales that were ethical, transparent, equitable, and sustainable, and which complied with all relevant legislation.
You can read more about how our work on the new global reward policy and salary scales aimed to support our wider organisational transformation in this case study by Project Fair.
Salary scales
Staff are paid based on the location and grade of their role. All staff at the same grade within a certain country are paid the same. This way, all staff receive a fair wage that is comparable in terms of the lifestyle it affords, with their peers across the organisation. New recruits will normally start at the salary for the relevant grade for the location where they are based. We do not negotiate on starting salaries.
We do not distinguish between global and country-specific roles (and tend not to recruit expats) but instead pay a salary that is fair for the grade of each role. We are committed to paying a living wage to staff in each country we work in and where data is available we ensure our minimum salaries reflect this.
You can view our scales below. The grade for each role is shown in the job description of the relevant advert. You can see the rate for each role by looking the relevant grade and location. The rate shown is the gross annual salary for each grade.